DM's Sydney Walks: 20. Hunters Hill

11 July, 2020

St Kevin's. Hunters Hill walk

This is just a short walk I did on a grey and partly rainy Saturday, around the suburb of Hunters Hill, after driving out to try out a new a bakery-cafe for lunch. Rather than walk straight back to the car, I took a scenic route around a large block.We begin walking west along Gladesville Road.

The very first building we pass after leaving the strip of shops is this old sandstone job. It's known as "St Kevin's", and is a private building, now being used as offices for a solicitor and attorney firm. The house is heritage listed.

Street library. Hunters Hill walk

Along this street there seem to be several community centres of various types. One of them has this street library box out the front.

Hunters Hill walk

Across the road is this marvellous liquidambar tree, just starting to get its autumn colours on, even though we're deep in the middle of winter now. The sandstone fence surrounds a large estate.

St Joseph's. Hunters Hill walk

That estate is this, St Joseph's Aged Care Facility, with these impressive sandstone gates, and an old sandstone building behind, with Victorian wrought iron filigree.

According to the heritage listing, this property used to be a school named "Toronto", but it's now been converted into the aged care facility.

St Joseph's. Hunters Hill walk

We cross the street to get a closer look inside the gates.

Hunters Hill walk

Turning left down De Milhau Road running alongside St Joseph's we can peer over the sandstone wall at the buildings and gardens inside.

Hunters Hill walk

De Milhau Road heads steeply downhill towards Tarban Creek. The road is lined on both sides by old sandstone walls.

Hunters Hill was one of the very early areas of Sydney settled by the wealthier of the early colonists in the early 1800s, and there are many old houses and estates in this area.

Hunters Hill walk

The road leads right down to Tarban Creek. It's a bit wide for a "creek" at this point.

Hunters Hill walk

Tarban Creek flows eastwards into Sydney Harbour, under the Tarban Creek Bridge, visible in this shot.

Hunters Hill walk

A wider photo from the same spot.

Scully on the Hunters Hill walk

Scully wanted to get in on the photo action. She's wearing her wet weather winter jacket, in a fetching grey colour.

Hunters Hill walk

Leaving Tarban Creek, we turn east along George Street, which runs along the creek but a bit uphill, as there are properties between it and the water.

Part way along is Murray Prior Reserve. This sign explains the history of the reserve.

Hunters Hill walk

And this is Murray Prior Reserve. It's not a flat grassy park - it's more just an undeveloped chunk of riverside land that slopes steeply down a gully to tidal mangrove flats below.

Hunters Hill walk

Turning back up the hill onto Pitt Street, we pass this interesting house, incorporating an old sandstone ground floor with a more modern upstairs addition. I like the old wooden doors and the pyramidal topiary.

Hunters Hill walk

Just a short walk back to the parked car today, starting at Stoneground Bakery at top, walking anticlockwise.

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