DM's Sydney Walks: 5. Gore Creek, Northwood and Greenwich

29 March, 2020

Gore Creek walk

This is a walk downstream along Gore Creek, starting from River Road, a main road. The creek is to the left, and the land slopes up steeply on the right. On this right bank of the creek we're in the suburb of Northwood. The left side is Greenwich. Here's Scully starting off on the walk.

Scully at Gore Creek

"Why are you stopping? Oh, okay, I'll pose for you..."

Gore Creek walk

It's been raining every day this week, on and off, and the path was very muddy in places. You can see puddles ahead.

Gore Creek walk

Parts of the path are paved with these steps. My wife leads the way.

Gore Creek walk

The path comes out at Gore Creek Reserve, a park with a soccer field and some kids' playground equipment. A lot of people bring their dogs here to run around. There were a few people out enjoying the fresh air, but keeping their social distancing from strangers.

The suburb boundary line deviates from the creek (over to the left) and runs down the right side of the park, so the park is in Greenwich.

Scully at Bob Campbell Oval

Scully inspecting the park for other dogs. The soccer field part is named Bob Campbell Oval. It doubles as a cricket ground in the summer.

Gore Creek walk

Bob Campbell Oval is very close to sea level, and Gore Creek emerges into Sydney Harbour here in this tiny bay. I don't know if this bay has a name.

Gore Creek walk

The facilities at Bob Campbell Oval include this set of changing rooms. For the Greenwich Sports Club, which apparently plays Quidditch. Bob Campbell was the first President of the Greenwich Sports Club. And a thumpin' good wizard.

Gore Creek walk

To get anywhere from here, you have to go uphill. You can either go up this steep street...

Gore Creek walk

Or up what I call "The Stairs of Cirith Ungol". (This is different to the stairs in Walk 3, Berry Island, down from Vista Street to Berrys Creek. And much steeper.)

Gore Creek walk

The Stairs of Cirith Ungol lead up...

Gore Creek walk

And up...

Gore Creek walk

And up... They're pretty steep, and a bit slippery when there are fallen leaves on them.

Scully on the Stairs of Cirith Ungol

Scully isn't sure about this, and wants to turn around before we enter Mordor, or encounter Shelob...

Gore Creek walk

But with some encouragement and extra lembas bread she pushes on...

Gore Creek walk

We reach the top of the Stairs of Cirith Ungol and emerge on Seaman Street (snicker).

Gore Creek walk

We turn left and continue up the gentler slope on Ffrench Street (yes, with two "F"s). Past this interesting house. And then home. (I didn't take any more photos on this day, but we still had a bit of a walk home from here.)

Gore Creek walk

Map of this walk, starting upper left, and ending lower right.

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