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We are into our final flight leg and about five hours from home. Our flight from Paris landed at 06:40 in Kuala Lumpur, and we had until 09:00 when our Sydney flight left. We had a drink in the Dôme cafe, M. getting a fourth coffee for her notional frequent coffee card, while I got another one of the mango drinks I got on the way out. Then we walked around to exercise our legs and stay awake, before sitting at a lounge area where they had international power points so I could recharge my iPad a little.
Our flight landed about 18:40, with us having spent the last few hours extremely tired and half asleep. But we perked up as the plane landed and we emerged to go through immigration, collect our bags, then clear customs. We were through this whole process very quickly, even though we were selected to stop in a line up and have a sniffer dog have a go at our luggage. We emerged just as M.'s parents arrived to pick us up. They took us home via the supermarket to get some milk and bread. We arrived home about 20:10, exhausted after the flight, but with a fantastic trip behind us.
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