LEGO® MicroCity

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The LEGO® MicroCity is seen here in an aerial view.
Back Row (left to right): Conglomerated Concrete Building, The Black Tower, Pyramid Window Building, Red Cylinder TV Studios, Blast Off Shopping Mall and Rotating Restaurant, Bumblebee Broadcasting, Airbridge Twin Towers.
Second Row From Back: Green Leaner, Cocolo Chocolate Corporate HQ, Grandview Apartments (partially obscured), Oriental Orienteering Office, Engelbert's Engineering Edifice, Christmas Complex (mostly obscured), MicroCity Fire Station, Universal University.
Third Row From Back: Groovy Music Offices, Arcological Apartments, Spiral Tower, Dendrochronology Institute, Satellite Communications Corp Building, Red Handle Apartments, Grand Business Complex. Front Row: Vandergoth Theatre, Rodomontade Robotics Research Institute, Vertex Building, RXO Radio Tower, MicroCity Opera House, Fulminating Fun Fireworks Factory, Grey Handle Apartments.
From a lower angle we can clearly see the awe-inspiring heights of the Black Tower, the Red Cylinder TV Studios, and the Satellite Communications Corp Building, all extending above the top of this photo.
These three buildings dominate the upper skyline of the MicroCity, together with the multi-hued Spiral Tower. To the lower right the black and yellow antenna of Bumblebee Broadcasting can be seen clearly. Between it and the Spiral Tower is the grey bulk of the Dendrochronology Institute, with its four exterior black lift shafts. Immediately in front of the Institute is the silver dish of the RXO Radio Tower, the tallest building in MicroCity in the 1920s.
Closer to street level, on the left is the Vandergoth Theatre, currently in its 24th consecutive year of its production of Cats. Behind it is the Groovy Music Offices and to its right are the yellow and black Rodomontade Robotics Research Institute and the sleek modernistic vertical lines of the Vertex Building. Between the Institute and Vertex Building and behind them are the modern new Arcological Apartments, with their blue and grey habitat cylinders separated by black sections of food farms and resource recycling units. Next to the Vertex Building can be seen the lower floors of the RXO Radio Tower. To the right and behind the Denrochronology Institute are Engelbert's Engineering Edifice and, behind that, the Blast Off Shopping Mall and Rotating Restaurant.
This view shows Engelbert's Engineering Edifice and the Blast Off Shopping Mall and Rotating Restaurant more clearly. The entire RXO Radio Tower can be seen at front left. At front centre the MicroCity Opera House stands in front of the tall Satellite Communications Corp Building. Next to the Satellite Communications Corp Building are the Red Handle Apartments. In front of the apartments is the charred black shell of the Fulminating Fun Fireworks Factory.
The RXO Radio Tower and Dendrochronology Institute dominate the left of this picture. Behind the Satellite Communications Corp Building at centree are the red and green Christmas Complex and black and yellow Bumblebee Broadcasting Building. The Red Handle Apartments can be seen clearly in front of the remains of the Fulminating Fun Fireworks Factory. Right of that is the Grey Handle Apartments, and behind it is the tall and kinked Grand Business Complex.

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