The Planet
Arawne is an old human colony world, located 5.900 parsecs from Earth. It
is a large silicate world, rich in organic compounds but very metal-poor.
Gravity and atmosphere are similar to Earth. Arawne's sun is the G6 V
star Delta Pavonis, visible from Earth in the constellation Pavo.
Arawne is a temperate to tropical planet, with 62% water cover and a
pleasant climate worldwide.
Arawne's native life consists only of microorganisms and photosynthetic
"algal mats" (actually colonies of single celled organisms) which coat
wet surfaces with yellow-brown slime. None of these are harmful to other
life forms.
An extensive Earth flora and fauna have been imported and make much of
the planet appear very earthlike. Forests and jungles in particular thrive
with life over much of the land surface.
Arawne has a population of 6.7 billion humans and over a million aliens.
It is a very pleasant place to live. Urbanisation is mostly restricted
to cultural and economic service centres, with most residents living in
small townships or isolated properties and commuting or telecommuting to
Arawne produces plenty of food for itself and export to its colony of
Kariba, with some local delicacies left over
for export elsewhere. It also exports silicates and organics, including
sophisticated biocomputer technology and conventional semiconductor
Arawne is more well known as a tourist destination however. Even with a
huge population, there are large areas of wilderness. Spectacular
landforms combined with wild animals now difficult to observe on their
native Earth make the planet a prime holiday spot.
The one thing Arawne lacks is natural supplies of most metals. It imports
most of these from nearby Kariba, in exchange for food and other organic
Arawne is governed by a representative democracy, which includes
representatives from the nearby world of Kariba.
The two planets are under the rule of a single government, based on
Arawne. Arawne sees Kariba as a dependent colony, which in many ways it
is. Where Karibans see Arawne as an unresponsive master, Arawnians see
Kariba as a quaint territory which makes them superior to most other
worlds because they own twice as many planets.
Taxes on Arawne are light and society is generally tolerant and
enlightened. Crime is rare, perhaps because there are very strict controls
on weaponry. Visitors with weapons are required to leave them at
government storage facilities for the term of their visit.
Arawne mounts an impressive space fleet, dedicated to defending their
quite desirable combination of a beautiful, organic-rich world with the
mineral resources of Kariba. The fleet occasionally pushes the limits of
diplomacy with nearby worlds, but has never openly attacked any of them.
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