Ideas and Brainstorms 
These are ideas I have for games using Icehouse pieces, or maybe even not using them. Some are one-line brainstorms
while others have been thought about and developed a bit. Each idea is self-contained - don't expect to see them all
in the one game!
Game Mechanics
- Place pieces by sliding them into the playing area - no airlifting. Walling off areas so no pieces can be played
in them is good.
- Some sort of bluffing strategy where you select pieces by colour/size and conceal them in your hand.
- A hexagonal-grid board.
- Twisting a flat piece "tractors" a piece pointed at and pip-count squares away to the square now pointed at and
pip-count squares away, removing any piece there.
- Drawing the board on a sheet of blank paper while the game is in progress. Each turn = draw a new space on the board
and place a piece in it. Spaces can be as large as you like. Space must be drawn before you place the piece
in it - if the piece won't fit inside you forfeit your placement. Shapes must be convex except where joining existing shapes.
Large spaces may be subdivided. Spaces need not abut existing spaces. Drawing must not disturb pieces already placed.
- Time Travel - You can remove one of your pieces from the board for (for example) two turns and later in the game have an
extra piece (the same one travelled forward in time!) for two turns. Or you can have an extra piece now for (for example)
four turns, but later in the
game you must remove a piece for four turns - and you cannot win while in "time-debt". Pieces must arrive/depart from the same
squares on the board - if blocked by opponent this forms a "paradox", which is bad for you (in some game-mechanic way).
Use two boards - one for the real action, one to mark outstanding time travel trips.
Game Themes
- Naval combat. Submarines.
- Icebergs.
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