Rangoon Racquet Club
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So How Good's The Food? ![[Good]](good.gif) ![[Good]](good.gif) ![[Good]](good.gif)
DM Repeat Visit Rating ![[DM]](dm.gif) ![[DM]](dm.gif)
- Rangoon Racquet Club
- Indian.
- 70 Alexander St, Crows Nest
- Phone: 9906 4091
This is the place we go if we want a special celebratory meal. It's a little pricey, but the food is so good we keep
coming back. The decor is also very attractive. The restaurant is decked out like a British colonial Indian country
club, complete with polo mallets and a double scull hanging from the ceiling. There are bookshelves lining the walls,
complete with fading hardbacks of classics like turn of the (19th) century etiquette guides and breathless novels
of corseted females experiencing lascivious adventures in the colonies. These are great fun to pull off the shelves
and flip through while waiting for your food to arrive.
The menu lets you know this place is a bit more irreverent than it appears, with purple prose superlatives liberally
sprinkled thorugh the meal descriptions, and dishes as creatively named as Gunga Din's Balls. The entrees come
with a wonderful chili jam to spoon over the top - so good I eat it all by itself. I've tried many things from the menu
and they've all been wonderful. I don't think you can go wrong. I recommend the almond and raisin stuffed bread as a
side dish though - it's amazingly good.
The desserts are traditional stodgy old British regulars like bread and butter pudd. If that's your bag, try them, but
I'm either too full or just go round the corner to Bravo for gelato.
Home | DM's Crows Nest Restaurant Reviews
Last updated: Friday, 10 March, 2006; 16:33:26 PST.
Copyright © 1990-2022, David Morgan-Mar. dmm@dangermouse.net
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