Grocery shopping day, and I took a camera along. While collecting some breakfast cereal, I was inspired to take a panorama of six stitched photos along the full length of the breakfast cereal aisle. This is every pre-boxed breakfast cereal in my local supermarket, except for the mueslis, which are in a different aisle, near the “health food” section. You might want to view this one big or very big.

Notice the cereals start with the unhealthy, sugary stuff on the left – Milo, Froot Loops, Coco Pops, Frosties (and the fact that Nutri Grain is leftmost just goes to show how it’s not the “healthy” cereal it’s marketed as) – progressing through the ever-popular whole wheat cereals – Vita Brits, Weet Bix, etc – on to the “muesli-light” style cereals with grains and dried fruits, and finally on to the cereals loaded with bran on the far right.
I also notice that this looks a hell of a lot healthier than the over-the-top sugar-laden marshmallow/chocolate breakfast cereal I’ve seen in American supermarkets. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes the first time I went into an American supermarket and looked at the breakfast cereals there. Frosties and the aforementioned Nutri Grain are probably the worst offenders in Australian supermarkets.