I mentioned in this post back in June that my wife and I were doing a walking project: walking the full length of every street and walking path in the North Sydney council area. The area is roughly 4km by 4km, so that’s a fair bit of walking. Every trip has to start and end at our home as well – no driving to and from places on the other side of the area to walk there.
We started this project in (I think) March of 2011. I thought at the time we might be able to finish it within a year. But it turned out to take more than two and a half years.
Today we finished the last few streets remaining. Whew! This map shows everywhere we have walked, marked in orange. (I may have missed a few small details – it was very fiddly marking these off in Photoshop.)
It feels good to complete such an ambitious and long-running project. We’ve thought about starting a new one… walking every street and path in the Sydney City council area. For that one we’ll probably have to allow ourselves to catch a train or bus to and from the walking locations.