Bird photos

Listed here are all the species of birds I have taken photos of. The thumbnails are selected shots of each species, and the text links to all photos of that species that I have uploaded to Flickr.

Birds photographed in Australia

  1. Apostlebird Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea)
  2. Purple Swamphen Australasian swamphen / Purple swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus)
  3. Australian brushturkey Australian brushturkey (Alectura lathami)
  4. Australian Darter Australian darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae)
  5. Australian golden whistler Australian golden whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis)
  6. Springtime assassin Australian magpie
  7. Australian pied oystercatcher Australian pied oystercatcher
  8. His beak can hold more than his... Australian pelican
  9. Raven Australian raven
  10. Australian White Ibis Australian white ibis
  11. Australian Wood Duck, male Australian wood duck
  12. Azure Kingfisher Azure kingfisher
  13. Banded Lapwing Banded lapwing
  14. Bar-shouldered dove Bar-shouldered dove
  15. Bar-tailed godwit Bar-tailed godwit
  16. Bell miner Bell miner
  17. Black-fronted dotterel Black-fronted dotterel (Elseyornis melanops)
  18. Black-necked Stork Black-necked stork
  19. Black Swan Black swan
  20. Brolgas Brolga
  21. Brown Falcon Brown falcon
  22. Brown gerygone Brown gerygone (Gerygone mouki)
  23. Cape Barren Geese Cape Barren goose
  24. Caspian tern Caspian tern
  25. Channel-billed cuckoo Channel-billed cuckoo
  26. Chestnut teal Chestnut teal
  27. Comb-crested Jacana Comb-crested jacana
  28. Common blackbird Common blackbird (introduced) (Turdus merula)
  29. Common Bronzewing Common bronzewing
  30. Common myna Common myna (introduced)
  31. European Starlings Common starling (introduced)
  32. Crested Pigeon Crested pigeon
  33. Crested tern Crested tern
  34. Crimson rosella Crimson rosella
  35. Diamond Dove Diamond dove
  36. Goose crossing Domestic goose (introduced)
  37. Dusky moorhen Dusky moorhen
  38. Dusky woodswallow Dusky woodswallow (Artamus cyanopterus)
  39. Eastern rosella Eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius)
  40. Eastern spinebill Eastern spinebill
  41. Eastern yellow robin Eastern yellow robin (Eopsaltria australis)
  42. Emu Emu
  43. Emerald Dove Emerald dove
  44. Eurasian coot Eurasian coot
  45. Eurasian whimbrel Eurasian whimbrel
  46. bird on a wire; and friends Feral pigeon (introduced)
  47. Forest Kingfisher Forest kingfisher
  48. Galahs in flight Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla)
  49. Gang-gang cockatoos Gang-gang cockatoo
  50. Glossy Ibis Glossy ibis
  51. Great Cormorants Great cormorant
  52. Wandering Whistling Ducks Green pygmy-goose
  53. Grey butcherbird Grey butcherbird
  54. Grey fantail Grey fantail
  55. Grey teal Grey teal
  56. Hoary-Headed Grebes Hoary-headed grebe
  57. House sparrow House sparrow (introduced) (Passer domesticus)
  58. Intermediate Egret Intermediate egret
  59. Jacky winter Jacky winter (Microeca fascinans)
  60. Birdie Num Num King parrot
  61. Laughing Kookaburra Laughing kookaburra
  62. Lewin's honeyeater Lewin's honeyeater
  63. Triple cormorant rock Little black cormorant
  64. Little Corella Little corella
  65. Little egret Little egret
  66. Little penguins Little penguin
  67. Little pied cormorant Little pied cormorant
  68. Little wattlebird Little wattlebird
  69. 301/365: Long-billed Corella Long-billed corella
  70. Five geese Magpie goose
  71. Magpie-lark Magpie-lark
  72. Berry Island Lapwing Masked lapwing
  73. Muscovy Duck Muscovy duck (introduced)
  74. Nankeen kestrel Nankeen kestrel
  75. Nankeen Night Heron Nankeen night heron
  76. New Holland honeyeater New Holland honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
  77. Noisy miner Noisy miner
  78. Orange-footed Scrubfowl Orange-footed scrubfowl
  79. Ostrich Ostrich
  80. Black Duck on Blue Pacific black duck
  81. Pacific black duck x Mallard Pacific black duck x Mallard (hybrid with introduced Mallard)
  82. Pacific golden plover Pacific golden plover
  83. Painted Finch Painted finch
  84. Pied Butcherbird Pied butcherbird
  85. Pied cormorants Pied cormorant
  86. Pied currawong Pied currawong
  87. Pied Heron Pied heron
  88. Plumed Whistling Ducks Plumed whistling duck
  89. Silent dignity Powerful owl
  90. Radjah Shelducks Radjah shelduck
  91. Rainbow Bee-eater Rainbow bee-eater
  92. Rainbow Lorikeet Rainbow lorikeet
  93. Red-Backed Kingfisher Red-backed kingfisher
  94. Red-browed finch Red-browed finch (Neochmia temporalis)
  95. Red-capped plover Red-capped plover (Charadrius ruficapillus)
  96. Red-necked stint Red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)
  97. Red-rumped parrot (male) Red-rumped parrot (Psephotus haematonotus)
  98. Red wattlebird Red wattlebird
  99. Royal spoonbill Royal spoonbill
  100. Sacred kingfisher Sacred kingfisher
  101. Scaly-breasted lorikeet Scaly-breasted lorikeet
  102. Silvereye Silvereye
  103. Beady Red Eye Silver gull
  104. Sooty Oystercatcher Sooty oystercatcher
  105. Sooty Tern Sooty tern
  106. Boobook Owl Southern boobook
  107. Southern Cassowary Southern cassowary
  108. Splendid Fairywren Splendid fairywren
  109. Spotted dove Spotted dove (introduced) (Spilopelia chinensis)
  110. Striated heron Striated heron
  111. Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo Sulphur-crested cockatoo
  112. Superb fairywren Superb fairywren (Malurus cyaneus)
  113. Superb Lyrebird Female Superb lyrebird
  114. Tawny frogmouth Tawny frogmouth
  115. Variegated fairywren, female Variegated fairywren (Malurus lamberti)
  116. Wandering Whistling Ducks Wandering whistling duck
  117. Welcome Swallows Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena)
  118. Whistling Kite in flight Whistling kite
  119. White-breasted Sea Eagle, feeding White-breasted sea eagle
  120. White-browed scrubwren White-browed scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis)
  121. White-cheeked honeyeater White-cheeked honeyeater (Phylidonyris niger)
  122. White-faced Heron White-faced heron
  123. White-headed stilt White-headed stilt
  124. White-plumed honeyeater White-plumed honeyeater (Ptilotula penicillata)
  125. White-throated treecreeper White-throated treecreeper (Cormobates leucophaea)
  126. White-winged Chough White-winged chough
  127. Willy Wagtail Willie wagtail
  128. Yellow-faced honeyeater Yellow-faced honeyeater
  129. Yellow-tailed black cockatoo Yellow-tailed black cockatoo

Birds photographed outside Australia


  1. Double-crested cormorant Double-crested cormorant
  2. Great blue heron Great blue heron


  1. Like my feet? Blue-footed booby
  2. Brown Pelican in Flight Brown pelican
  3. Common Cactus Finch Common cactus finch
  4. Struttin' his stuff Galapagos dove
  5. Galapagos Hawk Galapagos hawk
  6. Galápagos mockingbird Galapagos mockingbird
  7. Hood mockingbird Hood mockingbird
  8. Magnificent Frigatebird Magnificent frigatebird
  9. Nazca Booby Feeding Nestling Nazca booby
  10. Swallow-Tailed Gull Swallow-tailed gull
  11. Albatross courtship Waved albatross
  12. White-Cheeked Pintail White-cheeked pintail
  13. Yellow-crowned night heron Yellow-crowned night heron
  14. Yellow Warbler Yellow warbler


  1. European robin European robin


  1. Black-headed gulls Black-headed gull
  2. Egyptian goose Egyptian goose
  3. Eurasian coot Eurasian coot
  4. Great cormorant Great cormorant
  5. Grey heron Grey heron
  6. Quack! Mallard
  7. Nymphenburg swans Mute swan


  1. Black-headed gulls Black-headed gull
  2. Brown-eared bulbul Brown-eared bulbul
  3. Common kingfisher Common kingfisher
  4. Common pochard Common pochard
  5. Eastern spot-billed duck Eastern spot-billed duck
  6. Eurasian coot Eurasian coot
  7. Eurasian teal Eurasian teal
  8. Grey heron Grey heron
  9. Jungle crow Jungle crow
  10. Tufted duck Tufted duck
  11. Varied tit Varied tit
  12. Warbling white-eye Warbling white-eye


  1. Eurasian collared dove Eurasian collared dove
  2. Yellow-legged gull Yellow-legged gull


  1. Stork nest White stork


  1. Black-headed gull and western jackdaw Black-headed gull
  2. Common moorhen Common moorhen
  3. Common raven Common raven
  4. Common wood pigeon Common wood pigeon
  5. Eurasian coot Eurasian coot
  6. Eurasian magpie Eurasian magpie
  7. European herring gull European herring gull
  8. Great cormorant Great cormorant
  9. Great crested grebe Great crested grebe
  10. Grey heron Grey heron
  11. Greylag goose Greylag goose
  12. Black-headed gull and western jackdaw Western jackdaw


  1. Black-crowned night heron Black-crowned night heron
  2. Blue bird of Peru Blue-and-white swallow
  3. Blue-and-Yellow Macaw Blue-and-yellow macaw
  4. Clay eating parrots Dusky-headed parakeet
  5. Hoatzin Hoatzin
  6. Scarlet Macaw Scarlet macaw
  7. Turkey Vulture Turkey vulture


  1. Black redstart Black redstart
  2. Common chaffinch, female Common chaffinch
  3. Greylag geese Greylag goose
  4. Swan spotlight Mute swan


  1. Carrion crow Carrion crow


  1. Abyssinian wheatear Abyssinian wheatear
  2. African dusky flycatcher African dusky flycatcher
  3. African fish eagle African fish eagle
  4. African grey flycatcher African grey flycatcher
  5. African hoopoe African hoopoe
  6. African jacana African jacana
  7. African openbill African openbill
  8. African paradise flycatcher African paradise flycatcher
  9. African pied wagtail feeding African pied wagtail
  10. African sacred ibis African sacred ibis
  11. African spoonbill African spoonbill
  12. African stonechat African stonechat
  13. Amethyst sunbird Amethyst sunbird
  14. Arrow-marked babbler Arrow-marked babbler
  15. Augur buzzard Augur buzzard
  16. Baglafecht weaver Baglafecht weaver
  17. Banded martin and red-rumped swallows Banded martin
  18. Bare-faced go-away-bird Bare-faced go-away-bird
  19. Black crake Black crake
  20. Black-headed heron Black-headed heron
  21. Black kite Black kite
  22. Blacksmith lapwing Blacksmith lapwing
  23. Cape robin-chat Cape robin-chat
  24. Capped wheatear Capped wheatear
  25. Cattle egret Cattle egret
  26. Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse
  27. Common moorhen Common moorhen
  28. Common ostrich Common ostrich
  29. Crowned lapwing Crowned lapwing
  30. Dark-capped bulbul Dark-capped bulbul
  31. Dark chanting goshawk Dark chanting goshawk
  32. D'Arnaud's barbet D'Arnaud's barbet
  33. Double-banded courser Double-banded courser
  34. Egyptian goose Egyptian goose
  35. Fischer's lovebird Fischer's lovebird
  36. Fischer's sparrow-lark Fischer's sparrow-lark
  37. Fork-tailed drongo Fork-tailed drongo
  38. Glossy ibis Glossy ibis
  39. Great egret in flight Great egret
  40. Great white pelican Great white pelican
  41. Greater flamingo Greater flamingo
  42. Green-winged pytilia Green-winged pytilia
  43. Grey-backed fiscal Grey-backed fiscal
  44. Grey crowned crane Grey crowned crane
  45. Grey-headed kingfisher Grey-headed kingfisher
  46. Grey heron Grey heron
  47. Gull-billed tern Gull-billed tern
  48. Hadada ibis Hadada ibis
  49. Helmeted guineafowl pair Helmeted guineafowl
  50. Hildebrandt's francolin Hildebrandt's francolin
  51. Hildebrandt's starling Hildebrandt's starling
  52. House sparrows House sparrow
  53. Kittlitz's plover Kittlitz's plover
  54. Kori bustard Kori Bustard
  55. Lappet-faced vulture Lappet-faced vulture
  56. Lilac-breasted roller Lilac-breasted roller
  57. Little bee-eater Little bee-eater
  58. Magpie shrike pair Magpie shrike
  59. Marabou stork Marabou stork
  60. Marico sunbird Marico sunbird
  61. Martial eagle Martial eagle
  62. Meyer's parrot Meyer's parrot
  63. Mountain wagtail Mountain wagtail
  64. Mourning collared dove Mourning collared dove
  65. Northern anteater-chat Northern anteater-chat
  66. Northern fiscal Northern fiscal
  67. Northern red-billed hornbill Northern red-billed hornbill
  68. Northern white-crowned shrike Northern white-crowned shrike
  69. Pied crow Pied crow
  70. Pied kingfisher Pied kingfisher
  71. Purple grenadier female Purple grenadier
  72. Pygmy falcon Pygmy falcon
  73. Rattling cisticola Rattling cisticola
  74. Red-billed firefinch Red-billed firefinch
  75. Red-billed oxpeckers Red-billed oxpecker
  76. Red-billed teal Red-billed teal
  77. Red-capped lark Red-capped lark
  78. Red-cheeked cordon-bleu Red-cheeked cordon-bleu
  79. Red-collared widowbird, non-breeding male Red-collared widowbird
  80. Red-fronted barbet Red-fronted barbet
  81. Red-rumped swallow Red-rumped swallow
  82. Ring-necked dove Ring-necked dove
  83. Rufous-naped lark Rufous-naped lark
  84. Rufous-tailed weaver Rufous-tailed weaver
  85. Rüppell's starling Rüppell's starling
  86. Rüppell's and White-backed vultures Rüppell's vulture
  87. Secretarybird Secretarybird
  88. Shelley's francolin Shelley's francolin
  89. Silverbird Silverbird
  90. Silvery-cheeked hornbill Silvery-cheeked hornbill
  91. Southern red bishop Southern red bishop
  92. Speckled mousebird Speckled mousebird
  93. Streaky seedeater Streaky seedeater
  94. Superb starling Superb starling
  95. Tambourine dove Tambourine dove
  96. Tawny eagle Tawny eagle
  97. Thick-billed weaver Thick-billed weaver
  98. Three-banded plover Three-banded plover
  99. Tropical boubou Tropical boubou
  100. Variable sunbird Variable sunbird
  101. White-backed vulture White-backed vulture
  102. White-bellied bustard White-bellied bustard
  103. White-eyed slaty flycatcher White-eyed slaty flycatcher
  104. White-headed buffalo weaver White-headed buffalo weaver
  105. White-throated robin White-throated robin
  106. Wire-tailed swallow Wire-tailed swallow
  107. Masai giraffe with oxpeckers Yellow-billed oxpecker
  108. Yellow-billed storks and crocodile Yellow-billed stork
  109. Yellow-necked spurfowl Yellow-necked spurfowl
  110. Yellow-throated sandgrouse Yellow-throated sandgrouse

United Kingdom

  1. Canada Geese Canada goose
  2. Tower Raven Common raven
  3. Eurasian coot Eurasian coot

United States

  1. American Coot American coot
  2. American crow American crow
  3. Brewer's Blackbird Brewer's blackbird
  4. California scrub jay California scrub jay
  5. Canvasbacks Canvasback
  6. Dark-eyed junco Dark-eyed junco
  7. Sea lions and rocks Double-crested cormorant
  8. Glaucous-winged gull juvenile Glaucous-winged gull
  9. Grey plover (Black-bellied plover) Grey plover (aka Black-bellied plover)
  10. Hooded Merganser Hooded merganser
  11. Long-billed curlew Long-billed curlew
  12. Snowy Egret Snowy egret
  13. Steller's Jay Steller's jay
  14. Western grebe Western grebe
  15. Western Gull Juvenile Western gull
  16. Willet Willet