DM's Esoteric Programming Languages
Esoterica I have Written
Esoteric Languages
- BIT - a language that treats all data like C treats strings.
- Chef - a language where the programs produce magnificent meals.
- Haifu - a language based on Eastern philosopy and artistic values.
- HQ9++ - a language which extends the elegance of
HQ9+ to the object-oriented paradigm.
- Ook! - a language designed for orang-utans.
- Piet - a language where the programs are works of modern art.
- Whenever - a language with no sense of urgency.
- ZOMBIE - a language designed for evil necromancers.
Esoteric Algorithms
- Abacus Sort - a sorting algorithm based on the abacus.
- Bogobogosort - a sorting algorithm based on the popular bogosort.
- Demon Sort - a sorting algorithm that violates the second law of thermodynamics.
- Diamond Sort - a sorting algorithm based on Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel.
- Dropsort - a highly efficient, in-place, one-pass sorting algorithm.
- Hanoi Sort - a sorting algorithm based on the Tower of Hanoi.
- Intelligent Design Sort - a sorting algorithm that rejects the idea that lists can "evolve" to a sorted state.
- LenPEG - an image compression algorithm.
- WPEG - a file compression algorithm.
Esoteric Operating Systems
- Petrovich - an operating system based on reward and punishment.
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Last updated: Tuesday, 19 January, 2016; 00:17:23 PST.
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